miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012

Dental Care Cancun

Flossing and dental care

Flossing is the best ally of the brush, and it is not always possible to do a deep clean with it.

Find of different thicknesses, including those that are round or flat and even with different flavors or adding various special substances such as fluorine, when is sensitive gums. It is important to choose the one that best suits your needs and do not forget you must be of good quality wax to not damage your gums.

How to floss?

When cutting a piece of floss to be used, it should cut a generous piece of thread, a few inches, to facilitate taking it firmly and work accurately. It makes no sense to spare a few centimeters and should ensure a good cleaning.

Dentists suggest winding it on the tips of the index and middle fingers of each hand and hold it firmly and pull. Then be seamless movement down to the gum, but following the curvature of the tooth to not hurt it.

When finished, thoroughly rinse the water trying to pass between the teeth, ensuring that the mouth being cleaned. This task should not be taken lightly, since gaps nervous disorders and other diseases such as circulatory disorders and arthritis are caused by dental infections.

If you find any other problems when doing this cleaning, please consult your dentist. Tea, coffee, snuff, affect pigmentation darkening teeth and he can help you to recover your lost white with teeth whitening. Moreover, besides their color detract, snuff can irritate the gums and reduce tooth defenses.
Also if you find any cavities consúltale. Remember that an unbalanced diet and poor dental cleanliness are the main cause of tooth decay.

Also watch your gums while using floss. If your gums bleed can often be announcing the presence of disease in the mouth. It is convenient to give a massage. For this, electric toothbrushes are ideal because they are very practical and provide a massage even, smooth and comforting.

If you follow these easy care, change your toothbrush at least every two months, and be sure to consult your dentist at the slightest suspicion of problems, enjoy a healthy mouth for long. And a healthy mouth is an essential component of your physical beauty.

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