viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2012

Benefits of silver jewelry

Mexican Silver Jewelry

Undeniably silver jewelry have become fashionable, towering gold and jewelry made in other minerals, the reasons are varied and some explain them here.

Silver has gone from the table to our body. And we must remember that before this mineral was used in the manufacture of cutlery and cookware, has now instead become part of our jewelry and very successfully, as has been the taste of the majority.

One advantage of using silver jewelry is that they are easy to clean and there is more of a homemade recipe for it, but if you want to opt for a safer solution can bring them to any jewelry you make this work, which will not cost lot of money.

On the other hand the minds of mexican jewelry designers has no limits and the latest trend in silver jewelry is that it is combined with semi precious stones which results jewels of very professional and yet affordable cost.

Should be noted that the hard silver cause allergies in those who use it, because it is a natural product that does not contain nickel, a substance produced in the skin and dermatitis if the containing gold jewelry. This way a silver pendant not produce any skin irritation.

And finally talking about safety should be emphasized that it is more reliable to walk the streets with a piece of silver with gold, since due to the high cost of this latest gem is more attractive to the eyes of criminals.

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